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Teaching Resources

The Samara Centre for Democracy has developed teaching resources to help educators across different spaces teach about active citizenship in Canada. These resources are designed to empower students (and learners from all walks of life) so they can evaluate and participate in strengthening Canadian democracy. These resources provide an accessible way to enhance curriculum and programming about Canadian politics and society.

Teaching Resources
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Teaching Resources

The Samara Centre for Democracy has developed teaching resources to help educators across different spaces teach about active citizenship in Canada. These resources are designed to empower students (and learners from all walks of life) so they can evaluate and participate in strengthening Canadian democracy. These resources provide an accessible way to enhance curriculum and programming about Canadian politics and society.


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Local Democracy and Diaspora Local Democracy and Diaspora


Local Democracy and Diaspora

The Samara Centre for Democracy, in partnership with Toronto local news outlet The Green Line, invites you to attend a dynamic discussion examining local democracy and diaspora.